Nicky Weller – This Is The Modern World Exhibition

An exhibition of The Jam and The Style Council memorabilia is coming to Brighton this summer, 29th July – 29th August 2022. It’s almost three years in the making and set to be a celebration of music spanning two decades of Paul Weller ’s career. ‘This Is The Modern World’ exhibition is situated in Valley Gardens which attached to St Peter’s Church the location featured on the cover artwork of seminal Jam album ‘Setting Sons’

Alongside the exhibition there is live performances and loads more announced, We spoke to curator, organiser and Paul Weller’s Sister Nicky to find out more. Check it out below and for more information and tickets visit:

Can you give us a taster of some of the unseen memorabilia fans of The Jam & The Style council can expect to see at the exhibition? 

Some amazing unseen footage found on VHS converted to digital, items of clothing, guitars and photos not seen before. All celebrating and documenting Pauls extensive back catalog of music from The Jam, The Style Council and much more.

There is an option for fans to purchase a ticket which incudes a personal tour by you around the exhibition. What can they expect?

I’m doing guided tours in the morning before it’s open to the public and they get a goody bag. I think we will do evening ones too as not everyone can make the morning. 

You have called out to fans of The Jam and The Style Council for anything they may have that could be added to the exhibition. What has the response been like?

I’ve had a good response, not massive but some real little gems. You will just have to come and see.

There is some special guests, bands and artists attending and a screening of Quadrophenia. Tell us more and anything else attendees can look forward to?

If you’re a Paul Weller fan there’s every single thing you can possibly imagine, if you’re not a fan it’s still interesting as far as social history goes. We have the exhibition, special guest Q&A’s, The style council memorabilia, Quadrophenia film cast members and film screenings and loads of great gigs every week. There will be performances from Secret Affair, The Chords UK, Wilko Johnston, Nine Below Zero, The Selector and From The Jam and much more.

When you ran the fan club and opened fan mail for £5 a week did you ever expect to be doing something like this 40 years on?

No not at all, It’s incredible that all those years later and three exhibitions under my belt there is still interest and it just shows what a varied career paul has had and how important his music was and still is with The Jam, The Style Council and his Solo Years – a great fan base who have stayed loyal.

Can we expect the exhibition to pop up at any other cities across the UK in the future?

Never say never buy to be honest this has almost been three years in the making, When Covid got in the way we had to put a hold on things. I’m looking forward to it and it will be great to catch up with some people I have not seen in a few years. So let’s see after this is finished.

Lastly, Is there anything else we should know about the exhibition?

It’s an exhibition for fans, Music lovers and all the family. I hope it will be as enjoyable as the last two and I hope it brings a mixed bag of people from across the UK of all ages to enjoy. Brighton in the summer, What could be better? It will be open from 11am – 7pm most days with some great gigs and entertainment. Keep an eye on the “This Is The Modern World” social media for updates. See you there

Ticket – The Jam / The Vapors Dec 15, 1979

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