Since starting Mods Of Your Generation I have had the pleasure to meet some great people from all walks of life and hear some great music from all genres. Some that do not necessarily fit into the so called Mod genre. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve to be recognised or it’s not worthy of my my attention. Psykobilly is definitely one of those artists and to be honest you would have a hard task putting him into any genre. This of course is not a bad thing and allows him to stand in a category of his own. The Music I have enjoyed throughout my life have been those that tell a story or transport me to place of relatability and inspiration.
“Ziggy Stardust Meets Freddy Kruger”
“Patron Saint Of Nothing” has definitely done that despite listening to the album start to finish various times I am still discovering something new each time that stands out. I can sum up the whole album as like listening to the opening themes of horror movies. Listening to some tracks I sit and wonder what the hell is going to happen and when you think you know your completely surprised by an unpredictable melody or crunching guitar. To sum it up Patron Saint Of Nothing it’s like Ziggy Stardust meets Freddy Kruger.
I love the album that much I named it our Album Of The Week, this created a lot of controversy with followers sending me messages saying it was not mod. I didn’t care and I was happy to be able to feature it in the hope others would check it out and experience the same feelings of joy as I did when listening to it.
I enjoy the feeling of the unpredictably as the hairs rise on the back of my neck listening to the opening credits of a movie and get the same feeling listening to Parton Saint of Nothing. It’s definitely for the open minded individuals who love something a bit different. The album as a whole has a way of drawing you in, despite the somewhat creepy and eerie sounds spread across many tracks it also brings me as the listener to a place of comfort. Psykobilly’s voice is captivating to listen too as each track tells a different story.
I discovered Psykobilly a few years back from the wonderful Aldora Britain Records, they put out a vast array of music across different genres however Psykobilly is one that stands out above the rest. It’s because it’s different and music that takes you to a place in your mind but your not quite sure where.
The album was produced by Phil sorrel from caretaker studios and he definitely deserves credit for the album too. I have been worried about writing a review about this album only because it’s not normally the style of music I review and was worried I’d not do it justice or convey how good it really is. I urge you to open your mind and have a listen but like I said before you will either love it, hate it or just not get it.
listen or get your copy below
Limited edition CD available from
Copyright © Mods Of Your Generation & Psykobilly 2021, All Rights Reserved. Image & logo Credit Mods Of Your Generation, Psykobilly, Caretaker Studios, No part of this review may be reproduced without the permission of the authors or Mods Of Your Generation