A wee while ago I wrote about a film looking to be made called ‘The Pebble and the boy’, it’s a modern-day mod film inspired by the music of Paul Weller, some of the second wave mod bands and new ones too. Well, the filming is finally happening, starting July 22nd and the big one (for us) is that Scomadi are involved. Here’s a quick recap…
Creator and director, Chris Green, had the idea about a lad called John, who’s devastated by his father’s death and decides to ride to Brighton on his dad’s Lambretta to scatter his ashes into the sea. It’s a run of discovery, learning about his father and discovering a long-buried family secret.
Right. That’s the prologue.
I’m the one! (or) I got it up to 60 and my fillings weren’t rattling
There’s no denying it, funding’s been a struggle. Though eased in a big way by Neil Primett of 80’s Casual Classics, (he’s doing the whole wardrobe for the film) and Kaye and Frank Sanderson of Scomadi Worldwide who have helped enormously, both personally and as a company. They’ve donated 4 Scomadi’s, not only to be used in the film – but one of the scooters ‘The Who scooter’ is to be sold or auctioned to raise funds. You could own a film star!
The pics show the very one up for grabs with Roger and Pete of The Who. It’s a standard 125, fuel injection – because that’s the most popular model and rideable on ‘L’ plates. Scomadi found that most UK buyers have a car license, but no full bike license. However, subsequent orders can be tweaked to any spec they make. The scoot comes with an authentication certificate, an enamel plaque with the model edition number on and an official merchandise pack. It’s available via distributors across the globe.
The scooter will be up on eBay to bid for – it may also have a buy it now. Or if you really, really must have it – I’m sure for the right amount of folding material Chris would sell it – but it would only be available AFTER filming – email greenymod@gmail.com and as a sweetener, any buyer can appear in a scene on it. Blimey! Opportunity knocks! Mani of the Stone Roses is in the film, and he’s become a convert to Scomadi too. His compliment was ‘I got it up to 60 and my fillings weren’t rattling’.
Scomadi and the Boy… The long and winding road.
So how did The Who scoot offer come about?
Chris was looking for retro scooters and he found Scomadi on the internet. It worked well as the film is a mix of old and new. The dad in the film was mod and rode an LI 125, whilst the inclusion of Scomadi, though modern, retains the original scootering DNA. Chris wanted the whole story to be a blend of old and new.
Frank & Kaye originally let Chris take a 125 TL for the promo. The film looked so cool they thought more Scomadi’s should be involved. They tried to get the factory in Thailand to back it, but they were hesitant, seeing the film as a solo British project, (Does this sound familiar at all?). Scomadi would support it, but anything material must come from the UK. So, it was down to Frank and Kaye. At roughly the same time, the PR people representing The Who contacted them about a promo piece – and the possibility of a limited edition scooter. They agreed the concept and the scooter can be used in the film and for promo as well.
How are the scoots to be used in the film Chris?
We originally wanted about 3 for the film. John’s rides his dad’s old LI and he meets the daughter of his dad’s mate. She’s young, cool, has a skinhead look and rides a Scomadi. They end up at another of John’s dad’s mates, who has a man-cave full of scoots, he’s also got a Scomadi which his son uses on the last leg of the journey. The Who scooter will be used in scenes and the 4th scooter is Kaye’s original scooter, we’re using it as an action vehicle, a camera mounted Scomadi. In effect, the story is condensed within the Scomadi’s. One blinged up, old school. One’s a hybrid and one just sleek.
What sparked Scomadi involvement?
Frank – I’ve always wanted an action hero lead part, but my hips let me down, so I had to decline Chris’s kind offer. In reality… I missed being in Quadrophenia. I couldn’t get the time off work for filming. There were about 10 lads from our scooter club who went. So I’m not missing this one!
Kaye – Scomadi took a long time to come together, like Chris we had no big funding, it was a new product, new design and the banks didn’t want to know. That’s why it’s taken 10 years to get to mass production. When we talked to Chris we saw similarities, we know what it’s like and we’re both British productions with huge passions. We think the film will go down well worldwide, we’re here representing Scomadi Worldwide and we feel this will help promote us.
Chris– Filming began on July 22nd and It’s going to be a tough shoot and a big challenge, but with the team we have, I’m confident that we’ll overcome anything…Even the Great British weather!
If you want more info or want to help fund, all the socials are below and if you want to put in an offer for The Who scoot, contact – greenymod@gmail.com
I’ll be at the shoot taking stills and reporting back!
Pip pip!
Rik For more info of how to get your mitts on the scoot, or just want to find out more…
Official Movie Trailer
Mods Of Your Generation 2019, All Rights Reserved. words Rik Bardsley, Image credit Chris Green, The Pebble and The Boy. No part of this interview may be reproduced without the permission of the authors and Mods Of Your Generation .
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To the modsofyourgeneration.com owner, You always provide great insights.