The Kite Collectors – Never Look Down Album Review

The Kite Collectors – Never Look Down Album Review

The band is based in Wiltshire UK and formed 2013, taking their main inspiration from the music of new wave and the 1960’s. The result is a mixture of influences and attitudes with a quality blend of infectious energetic melodies that literally fizzles in the ears. The band have attracted an increasingly growing fan base regularly being featured on radio shows such as Target Radio and The Glory Boy Mod Radio Show. However, their last album ‘Never Look Down’ has not done as good as it should in my opinion. This is due to the pandemic which has limited the band’s ability to gig and promote the album fully. It’s an absolute shame as before the pandemic changed the landscape the band stopped gigging to concentrate on recording. ‘Never Look Down’ was the result of 18 months hard work. It’s definitely something for listeners of mod music and those who just love great music. The album was a top listener for me in 2019 when it was released. The Kite Collectors are one of those bands that I am very much looking forward to seeing live when lockdown restrictions have been lifted. ‘Never Look Down feels just as relevant now as it did on its release in late 2019.

Robby Allen the lead vocalist and song writer captures the true struggles of daily life in many of the tracks. A great example of this is in the song ‘The Ballad of Mental health Issue’” Making the tracks clear and relevant to the listener. As mental health issues in many people reach an all-time high due to Covid 19 and the uncertainty of the future. I highly recommend you get your ears around the album. Every song is relevant to the daily struggles of life and the lyrics bring some understanding, comfort and peace.

The Album is dedicated to The Glory Days Choir. Who are they? You might well ask. I have had many conversations with Robby since our first encounter and he describes that he was travelling back from work and was thinking about call and response songs – he wanted one for the people who spent their hard-earned cash in coming to see the band – these are the Glory Days choir. The CD single Glory Days was dedicated to them. Robby went on to say that there is so much that we moan about in life, but he thinks it’s important to also remember that we have good days too. As many of us have lost loved ones due to coronavirus recently or felt its effects mentally, the track stands well as a call to remember that some days are great, especially when we’re together. These are our glory days. I urge you to join the Glory Days choir with me.

Robby Allen has been an advocate of the mod/garage scene for many years. He found success in the late 1980s with garage rock outfit The Mild Mannered Janitors. Support slots include The Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets, The Prisoners, The Prime Movers, Steve Marriot, The Godfathers, Zoot Money, Graham Day and the Forefathers with many more.

Buddy Ascott (Chords) and two-time KCs producer Sam Burnett (Back To Zero) referred to drummer Pete Summerfield as one of the best out there. We aren’t going to argue. Everyone who contributed to this album from the sound engineer Keith Holmes who worked on some of The Yardbirds re-masters to Robby Allen and the whole band, I would like to thank you all for providing me with some great music to listen to and cherish.

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